what virtues must have people today to make earth a better place to live in.

Because the definition of what virtue is so broad, we can say that virtue can be a stable quality of the human being, whether of the natural order or acquired at any moment of life. We can say and according to advanced studies on this subject that there are intellectual virtues directly linked to the original intelligence of people, is born with that aspect. On the other hand there are virtues of the moral order acquired and that can also originate with everything that represents good in all social and family events. Because this word is central in the daily life of the world there are many authors and writers who can classify the virtues in different ways but this time I focus on different types of virtues that exist: First: virtue of acceptance that means that the human being it must be accepted as such, this being one of the most important keys to social welfare with a positive effect on self-esteem and self-efficacy. On the other hand, this attitude of acceptance helps us to face the challenges and the daily problems. Second: the virtue of responsibility can be an act of maturity of the person combined with the moral and legal obligation in the fulfillment of all their duties in family and social activity. This virtue helps to live positively in all ways. Third: the virtue of gratitude refers this personal quality to the assessment that is made of all the things received from the good and the bad that should be the result of an acquired expression that is a universal consideration. Fourth: respect for this virtue may be the equilibrium of all human activities where defects are accepted and opinions and ideas are not judged. Respectful people should know that no one has the obligation to be perfect in their daily attitude. Fifth: caution and prudence. When acting with prudence it appears as a result that the behaviors prevent us from externalizing or impulsively demonstrating all the situations that we draw in all the activities that is why a cautious individual is cautious and prudent because his attitude understands the positive meaning of life and of the other people. Sixth: generosity this virtue urges us to habitually express the fact of sharing within the personal and daily needs of the world. Being generous is one of the greatest virtues that a being can express during its existence. Seventh: joy who has this virtue will always contribute to their existence a positive energy and usually see the good and bad side of life without regrets. Eighth: the cleanliness, this virtue generates in our bodies a principal environment of order and beauty process peace in our minds and in our hearts. Ninth: the commitment this virtue refers to the will that each human being can give in effort and dedication, keeping the promises and accepting the challenges and long-term projects. Tenth: confidence if this virtue that refers exactly to the sense of security and the value of the capacity that every person acquires within the work habit, we can overcome all the different challenges we face since our birth. The previous group mentioned as important virtues is specifically what I consider within this essay as the most widespread virtues that we can demonstrate in the environment in which we live, besides being able to cooperate, with a sense of humor, with courage and courage, positively creating activities that tend to help a better life and with a democratic sense and with dignity, patience, enthusiasm, justice, ensuring that the needs of all are satisfied and facing with enthusiasm that is an important virtue of life with a positive mentality, increasing the spirit for a mentality open to the things that happen to us every day.


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