a modest proposal fairness/ justice
Im going to talk about how are fairness and justice related to the story a modest proposal, But first im going to define them fairness is a treatment or behavior without favoritismo r discrimination and justice is the quality of being impatial and fair , this values are very similar but the diference between them is that justice is about doing the right thing and fairness is about having your own perspective. This values are not related to the story in any way because what the are promoting in the story is basically an essay saying that poor kids are just useless. Its not fair what they are saying that if they kill this kids and sell them to other people to eat them this will stop the hunger in the country and this way they are going to be useful is praticaly what the want to spress with this proposal, this is an example injustice . Otherwise the proposal says things that support this idea it like eating kids helps the socie...